A Great Medium-Sized Disturbance in the Force

It’s “as though millions dozens of voices cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.” Yes, I’m talking about the radical changes at everyone’s favorite blog-child, By Common Consent. The changes are said to be “massive.” They are: (more…)

18 comments for “A Great Medium-Sized Disturbance in the Force

  1. T&S used to be a great little place, but not it feels so stuffy and academic. Thank goodness BCC has stayed true to its roots. I guess what they say in the scriptures about intellectualism and pride is true.

  2. Although not mentioned anywhere, a well-connected commenter here at T&S is participating in Kulturblog, with threads on movies and music. That would be a good place to… engage him.

  3. Yeah, Kulturblog I think deserves special mention, since it’s what is really what’s new and unique out there. It’s not really a piece of the Bloggernacle, I don’t think, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Plus we’re talking about U2…. who are all mormon.

  4. Al,

    I think that the reason BCC has managed to avoid pride is that so many of the sidebarred people never actually blog. For instance, how long has it been since that Mat Parke fellow posted last, anyway? Perhaps we could bring him aboard here — he wouldn’t post, and would dilute the pride build-up.

  5. “Thank goodness BCC has stayed true to its roots. I guess what they say in the scriptures about intellectualism and pride is true.”

    Yes, BCC is rooted in pseudo-intellectualism (as opposed to “so-called intellectualism”) and humility. And we’ve certainly tried to stay true to both. Particularly the latter. Thus, we have managed to successfully avoid the twin pitfalls warned of in the scriptures. Does this make us better than T&S? Yes. Should you all be jealous of us? Yes. Should our collective erudition put the rest of the Bloggernacle to shame? Of course it should.

    Aaron B

  6. It’s bad enough that Steve is constantly criticizing my posts (and lack thereof) in private emails–now Kiami has shamed me publicly. It hurts.

  7. Don’t worry, Mathew, no one reads T&S except me and Kaimi and Steve Evans and a great many of our pseudonyms.

  8. Yes, but it’s not all bad — after all, my snarky comment provided an opening for D. to attest to your looks.

    But don’t let that make you prideful! :)

  9. Mat should move to Times & Seasons. Then he and I can hang out together on the sidebar gazing at the rest of you writers.

  10. Sheesh, haven’t you guys added enough people already?? You’re almost ready for a 2nd Quorum of the Permabloggers. We barely have an unholy apostleship of twelve…

  11. Matt,

    I’m all for it. Two guys steeped in often conflicting idealogies staring each other down. Why don’t you invite me to be a guest blogger and then I won’t post anything for two weeks.

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