Divine Institution slides

A few months ago I spoke at a conference at St. John’s University Law School. The conference theme was same-sex marriage, and my own talk was a largely descriptive account of LDS church statements and actions on the topic.

I used a short set of powerpoint slides to cover the basic facts. Since then, several people have expressed interest in seeing the slides, so I just posted them online — they’re available here, if you’d like to take a look. Any comments are welcome. (And just to reiterate, these are pretty basic. If you’ve followed the topic in any depth they don’t contain anything that you don’t know. My talk was a very basic descriptive account of church statements and actions.)

3 comments for “Divine Institution slides

  1. You mention the SLC ordinance. At the time, I thought talk of similar laws passing in other cities in Utah sounded too optimistic–that after the media spotlight turned elsewhere all such plans would die quietly. Instead there are now 10 Utah jurisdictions that have enacted anti-discrimination laws. Pretty remarkable, I think.

  2. There aren’t any speaker notes? I’m afraid this is a pet peeve of mine — distributing PowerPoint slides without speaker notes kind of implies you can get the complete message without the speaker.

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