Long Live Ukraine, Long Live Russia

All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword

Given that this is a Latter-day Saint blog, I feel an obligation to make some sort of commentary on how recent events are connected to Church-related issues, but I really have no idea. Recent events might be a step forward or back for the Church and religious freedom in general, but it’s much bigger than all of that right now.

Two things can be true at once:

  1. I am glad that Russia’s coup attempt/civil war could stop the fighting in Ukraine. If the Russians are fighting each other they can’t kill Ukrainians. There is a good chance the Ukrainian war will be over soon.
  2. I am worried about what this means for the Russian people. My parents were mission presidents in Moscow. Their leaders and geopolitical misconceptions notwithstanding, the members and Russians in general are good people. I would like to think that removing Putin would lead to more liberalization but it might not; it could be a step forward or backward. Government instability is scary, even if the Russians are a tough, hardened people, and it could be for the best in the end.

Now is a time to keep both Ukrainians and Russians in our prayers.

3 comments for “Long Live Ukraine, Long Live Russia

  1. Good post; thx. The sad probability is that this “military exercise” (Putin’s description) will almost certainly continue until Ukraine is conquered. Putin does not give up/in – that is his mindset; unfortunately, his resources are greater than Ukraine’s; and the rest of the world is sufficiently constrained by various views/obligations/fears that nobody will actually put boots on the ground in Ukraine’s defense.

  2. Raymond, we had a good example of Putin giving in just this past weekend. And Russia’s resources are dwarfed by Europe and the U.S.

    As far as Stephen’s post, long live Ukriane, but I’d be content to see Russia’s current territory take a new form. Long live Circassia, Dagestan, Tatarstan, and the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

  3. @ Raymond: I think in the 21st century the number of “boots on the ground” means less than “missiles that can hit supply depots in the rear,” and it does look like they are (very hesitantly) becoming more willing to supply those.

    @ Jonathan: Excellent point, although with the mafia-style fiefdoms that Putin rules over it might already be like that to a certain extent.

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